Meeting Location
Meetings are held on Wednesdays monthly at the Pirate Cove Room at the Pearl River High School, located at 275 Central Avenue, Pearl River, NY. The normal schedule is 7:15 PM for sign-in and conversation, 7:30 PM for the meeting and program. Contact Us Mailing Address: Rockland CWRT PO Box 849 Pearl River, NY 10965. The Rockland Civil War Round Table Telephone: 914-980-5267 Email :[email protected] FOLOW us on FACEBOOK |
Membership in the Rockland Civil War Round Table is open to anyone with an active interest in the American Civil War.
Regular Membership: $30 (single) or $50 (couple). The regular annual membership fee or dues (prorated throughout the year for new members) is the primary source of funds needed to offset the expense of bringing in our speakers and for donations to our Civil War Preservation Fund. If you would like to become a first time member or renew an existing membership, complete the membership form (below) and mail to us with a check, or submit online form on left and mail a check. Membership fees can also be paid in person at the door before our monthly meetings. Thank you. ![]()
Join the Rockland Civil War Round Table for:
Monthly presentations about the Civil War by recognized experts in their field. * Opportunities to share your own expertise with members. * Opportunities to participate in panel discussions on specific aspects of the Civil War. * Round Table sponsored field trips to various Civil War Battlefields and Sites. * Our annual field trip to Gettysburg to clean and maintain our adopted monument position: The 124th NY Monument. * Preserving endangered battlefield sites and supporting memorial associations. * Our annual Holiday Party and Dinner. * A Subscription to our monthly Email message. * An opportunity to explore and discuss the Civil War with others who share your passion and interest in this exciting and crucial period of American History. Annual Membership Dues:
$30.00, Individual $50.00, Family $20 Junior (Students 18 and under) please make checks payable to: The Rockland CWRT Open and print application below and mail with your payment. ![]()
The Rockland Civil War Round Table
Copyright 2016